A forensic accountant specializes in uncovering hidden assets, detecting financial discrepancies, and providing expert analysis crucial for equitable asset distribution. 

A forensic accountant specializes in uncovering hidden assets, detecting financial discrepancies, and providing expert analysis crucial for equitable asset distribution.


Forensic Accountant Services for Divorce

What does a forensic accountant do?

A forensic accountant specializes in investigating financial records and transactions to uncover discrepancies, fraud, or hidden assets. They utilize advanced auditing and investigative techniques to provide accurate financial insights and expert testimony in legal proceedings, ensuring transparency and integrity in financial matters, particularly in divorce cases.

In the intricate landscape of divorce proceedings, particularly for high net worth women, the expertise of a forensic accountant is indispensable. A forensic accountant specializes in uncovering hidden assets, detecting financial discrepancies, and providing expert analysis crucial for equitable asset division.

For high net worth individuals, complex financial structures and investments often require meticulous scrutiny to ensure transparency and fairness in the divorce process. A forensic accountant conducts thorough investigations, scrutinizing financial records, business valuations, and transactions to uncover any attempts at concealment or manipulation.

For instance, uncovering hidden assets or income, SmithFSG ensures that the division of assets accurately reflects the true financial picture, safeguarding our client's interests and preventing unjust enrichment by the other party.

Our Process

In addition, we provide invaluable support in cases involving business ownership, tracing the flow of funds, evaluating the worth of business entities, and assessing the impact of divorce on ongoing operations.

Ultimately, partnering with SmithFSG's service offers high net worth women peace of mind, knowing that their financial interests are diligently protected and that they are equipped with robust evidence to support their case during negotiations or litigation.

In the complex terrain of divorce proceedings, the expertise of a forensic accountant is an essential asset, ensuring fair outcomes and financial security for the client's future.

Michelle Smith, CDFA® and founder of SmithFSG

forensic accountant

AnnMarie Broughton Director and Forensic Accountant

Why you DO need financial professionals during your divorce

Video Clip: Michelle Smith, CDFA® and founder of SmithFSG, reveals a common tactic to beware of when negotiating divorce settlements. Michelle’s simple tips have helped her clients create mutually acceptable financial settlements – even in the most highly charged divorce situations.

Tips For Divorce, Financial Settlements and Strategy

Where to rank the issues in your divorce

Video Clip: Michelle Smith, CDFA® and founder of SmithFSG, discusses the importance of prioritizing the issues confronting you in divorce, and then developing a strategy and approach in order to help secure the best financial outcomes for you

What's your divorce strategy?

Video Clip: Michelle Smith, CDFA® and founder of SmithFSG, discusses the importance of setting divorce strategy and compares it to the game of checkers vs. chess.